We have moved all of our available geckos to the new business page! https://www.facebook.com/lornasredskygeckos "Like" the page to get updates and check with us throughout the winter as more geckos will be added every month. We do offer a %15 discount for local pick up and immediate delivery during the winter months. Immediate delivery means we do not have to board your gecko for more than two weeks post purchase. Our next planned show is Atlanta Repticon in January and we can hold and deliver at no charge to this show (this does not count as immediate delivery). Boarding over winter is offered at no charge and 30 day finance plans with a deposit are offered.
*Shipping weather depends on temperatures in our area, your area and the main hub between us (typically Memphis or Indianapolis but on the East Coast NJ as well). If lows are above 35 degrees and will hold for a couple days then we can ship to your area. If a cold front is moving in and your lows will be dropping to 20 the next day then we do not ship. Delays by Fedex when shipping are all too common so a two day window is needed. Shipping to your local hub for pickup is advisable during winter and summer when temperatures are not ideal. We prefer to avoid heat packs due to the possibility of a heat pack fail that involves super-heating the animal, but will use them on customer request. Please see the Health and Warranty tab for our complete terms of service.
*Shipping weather depends on temperatures in our area, your area and the main hub between us (typically Memphis or Indianapolis but on the East Coast NJ as well). If lows are above 35 degrees and will hold for a couple days then we can ship to your area. If a cold front is moving in and your lows will be dropping to 20 the next day then we do not ship. Delays by Fedex when shipping are all too common so a two day window is needed. Shipping to your local hub for pickup is advisable during winter and summer when temperatures are not ideal. We prefer to avoid heat packs due to the possibility of a heat pack fail that involves super-heating the animal, but will use them on customer request. Please see the Health and Warranty tab for our complete terms of service.