Breeding project examples-from 2013
This is an example of an overlapping group. The lavender female is technically part of the Red Sky at Night project. She is a 'dirty' gecko with pinstriping, creamy dorsal, harlequin marking, and dalmatian spotting. At the same she has large white spots and fits into the Cloud project. The lavender male has pinstriping, harlequin markings and distinct clusters of white spots and is a key part of the Cloud project.
Dirty gex project with light pinks and pale lavenders. Cream dorsals, white pinning, white and cream walls will be selected.
Dirty Gex project with dark lavenders, reds, yellows, and dark bases selected for contrast with light dorsals and pins and high patterning on the sides.
Predominantly clean peach or yellow and cream geckos with wavy or brindle marking and creamsicles. I call them funky creamsicles a lot because they usually have a high degree of pattern and unusual colors as they age. Takes a while for the true color on these to show up.
Dark base geckos with bright high-contrast markings. Predominantly clean tri-color harlequins and black and whites as well as pinstripes.
Involves large white markings or blots as well as smaller white spots on the geckos. White walls and white on the dorsal are desirable as well. Not seeking to add other spotting (black or red) to these and will select for clean examples other than white spotting.